Art for Epilepsy 2017 – The Epilepsy Art Auction Fundraiser

Last year Epilepsy Action Australia ran Art for Epilepsy, an online auction where works donated by Australian artists were sold and the funds going to services for people living with Epilepsy. In 2016 the event featured 55 artists and raised over $20k.

This year Art For Epilepsy is on again, with over 100 artists getting involved and donating their works for the auction.

The auction details are as follows:

While the Patron Saint of Love, Saint Valentine, may be synonymous with roses and chocolates, it is a lesser known fact that he is also the Patron Saint of Epilepsy. To honour this connection, over 150 prominent and up-and-coming artists from across Australia have joined forces to raise vital funds for people living with epilepsy, donating original artworks to the online ‘Art for Epilepsy’ auction, opening on Valentine’s Day.

Over 180 artworks will be available in total through the online auction, including beautiful water colours, vibrant abstracts, intricate illustrations and more. The auction will open for bidding on St Valentine’s Day, February 14 at 9am, and close midnight on International Epilepsy Awareness Day (Purple Day), 26 March. To tie in with the colour purple, the internationally recognised colour for epilepsy, artists have been asked to feature

a shade of purple in their artworks in some way. With a style to suit every taste, the auction is sure to be a hit with lovers and art-lovers alike this Valentine’s Day.

It runs from 14th Feb (on now!) through to 26th March (Purple Day).

Head over to the auction to see which artworks take your fancy and bid for a great cause!


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